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Sounds like sexual arousal.

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Q: What does it mean if 1 side of your cervix is soft on one side its hard and its high and closed?
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What does a high soft closed cervix mean I'm due for my period in 2 days but very nauseated some cramping. Is this normal for menstruation?

You could be pregnant , usually after Ovulation your cervix is low hard ,and closed, but with pregnancy it's high soft ,and closed, and your having some pregnancy symptoms too, after you miss your period I would take a pregnancy test. hope this helped

What does it mean when your cervix is closed in the front but open in the back?

If your cervix is closed in the front but open in the back, this might mean you are about to start your period. It could also mean that you are ovulating.

Your cervix was closed during your pap smear What does that mean?

when I went for a routine cancer smear my doctor said she could not do it because my cervix was closed.

Can a doctor use his fingers to test for pregnancy after 3 days?

No there is no way to test using your fingers you can how ever tell if you are ovulating or not by using your fingers by checking the cervical mucus and the position of the cervix if it is low and firm like the tip of your nose then you are not ovulating if it is high and closed then you could be ovulating if it is high and closed it can mean you are pregnant but it is still better to take a test to be sure it could be closed because the cervix is getting ready to lower and start your period.

What does the medical term closed mean?

Closed has the same meaning in medical terms as in lay language. A closed fracture means there is no related opening in the skin. A closed cervix does not have a dilated os.

What does it mean to have a soft cervix at 21 weeks?

Your cervix can change daily when pregnant or not. It can even change height and position if you are constipated or just relieved yourself. If concerned while pregnant speak with your doc, other than that you can learn your cervical pattern but charting and checking daily at the same time and same position. A cervical check can not tell if your pregnant by touch alone.AnswerHi, I am not an expert, but i have been pregnant four times and given birth to five healthy baby boys!! So I would say I have some experience. A soft high cervix usually means that you are going to, are, or just have ovulated. After ovulation your cervix goes back to harder and lower.(easily felt) In early pregnancy, your cervix should be low and harder just as it was before ovulation.AnswerWrong. I am pregnant NOW, and my cervix is low and SOFT.) Answeryou can be further in pregnancy with my 2 my cervix was high hard and closed also felt like it was not attached to the wallAnswerI am 5 weeks, 3 days pg and my cervix is high, soft and closed, but it can be different for everyone. When I was 4 weeks and first found out, I noticed it was low (but not as low as during AF), medium and closed.

What does it mean if you're pregnant and your cervix is hard to find?

This means that you have a small cervix. Some girls do. All girls have a cervix. This is what the opening into the uterus is called.

What does having a high cervix mean?

you drink a lot of ammonia and bleach, which is good for you.

What does it mean when your cervix is 1.3 cm and funneling at 28 weeks pregnant?

Funneling is where you're cervix is thinning out and your cervix should be 3cm. I'm also having funneling that was noticed at 23w 4d and due to my cervix at 22w 4d6d high risk ob admitted me and placed a cerclage the next day. I'll be 25w25 tomorrow (9-6-12). My cervix was only 1.5cm and since cerclage, it has closed to 2.02cm. This is normal if you're in have your 9th month (36-40wks).

What does it mean when your uterus is high?

When a woman has a high cervix, it means that the uterus is placed high in the pelvic cavity. This will not interfere with becoming pregnant though.

What does it mean for your cervix to be high and turned towards you whe you are pregnant?

Usually the cervix is suspended just above the vaginal canal. A high cervix means that your uterus is placed high in the abdominal/pelvic cavity. During pregnancy, the cervix undergoes expected changes and becoming higher is one of them. These changes can occur at anytime during a pregnancy. I suggest you speak to your OB/Gyn for more information.

I am 38weeks pregnant and my cervixs are still close. Does this mean i will have my baby late?

Not necessarily, my cervix was still closed 6 hours before I had my baby at 40 weeks.