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He is likely just looking at you as he likes what he sees or it could be just concidence and he seems like he is looking at you but just looking in your direction.

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He wants to take you from behind......

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Q: What does it mean when your ex stares at you but never says anything?
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What does it mean when a boy says that you will never get a boyfriend and he stares into your eyes and his pupil gets bigger?

he might like you

Does the outgoing guy like your friend if he is overexcited when he says hi and stutters when he says something but he never stares at her?

yes...... this means the guy likes your friend.but if he never ever stares at her it can mean that the guy would just want to be friends with her for a reason. if he stares at her when no one notices him and does not stare at her when all are around...then that definetely means that the guy is crushing on your friend

If someone says your name and a boy stares into your eyes what does that mean?

it mean that there in liking with you

What does it mean when a guy says your ugly but stares at you?

It means he's probably lying.

What does it mean when a guy stares at you but says you looked at him first?

It means he wants to bang

What does it mean If a girl says that she will call you tomorrow and never does?

It does not necessarily mean anything if a girl says she will call and doesn't. She may have just been busy and forgot.

What does this mean when he said he's happy that you like him so why haven't he asked me out he just smiles and stares at me a lot and sometimes he watches me?

I'm going through exactly the same thing. He will stare at me, and he says he likes me, but he will never do anything about it. Maybe he is just low in self esteem, and dares not to ask you out.

What does it mean when a guy says your uglyand he stares at you?

It could mean that he is trying to bully or intimidate you. It's important to ignore such negative comments and not let them affect your self-esteem. If the behavior continues or makes you uncomfortable, consider talking to a trusted adult or authority figure.

A guy you like always stares at you but never says anything and has a girlfriend?

He probably thinks you're pretty. His eyecandy xD.But still loves his girlfriend, and is to shy to talk to you.Or maybe he is in love with you, and not with his girlfriend.Guys are mysterious.

What does that mean if your guy friend walks to you and says hi and stares at you without saying anything and seems to wait for you to talk when he can talk all the time to anyone?

ask him wat ha thinks about u

What does it mean when a guy says i can never say never to you because i have love you so much?

he finds it hard to say no if you ask him for something... he is willing to do anything for you

What does that mean if the guy you like sometimes says hi to you and smiles but sometimes only stares at you dreamily and says hi to you in a different way than to others?

it means he likes you... duuhhh