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your guinea pig may not be making any noises because it is NOT happy. when it is happy it will make plenty of noises. it may be unhappy because:

you arent giving him enough fruits and vegtables you arent holding it enough(they should be held atleast 5 times a week) its cage is dirty, for more helpful tips you can go to the website!

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14y ago
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14y ago

they make those nosies all the time its what they do.

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13y ago

It is typicall

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Q: What does it mean when your guinea pig only makes small noises?
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assuming you mean the bell that makes noises, "bells"

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When you buy a new guinea pig she will be quiet for a couple of days because it is scared. This may last even a couple of weeks. When you hold it, it feels safe in your arms, so it makes different noises. this means that it is happy. Hope this helps!

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No idea but i would definatelly see a vet

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it means he wants to kiss you

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its normal

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See a medical professional to determine if you have a problem.

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This is called bruxing, and it has a similar meaning to a cat purring.