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While you should consult a gynecologist, this was what happened to me at first. I had three periods when I was nine, and then none until 11, and then they began steady at 12. It's not uncommon for young girls to have a period, then stop, then start again. Sometimes the body says, "Oh, whoops! We weren't supposed to start doing THAT yet."

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Q: What does it mean when your period start after going four year of not having a period?
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You just started to discharg when are you going to go on your period?

There's no such thing as psychics - no one can tell you when you're going to start your period. Discharge has little relation to when you will start your period, discharge starts as you enter puberty and menarche typically occurs within four years of this but everyone is different. You need to go learn about puberty and menstrual cycles.

What does Having a four hour period mean?

Internal Bleeding

Does having discharge means your period is coming?

No, having discharge doesn't mean your period is coming.You start getting discharge as you enter puberty - your first period will start within four years of starting puberty, but just having discharge isn't an indicator of your period coming any time soon. During your menstrual cycles discharge changes due to hormonal changes so you may notice fertile cervical mucus or heavier discharge as a sign your period is on it's way but if you're new to menstruation it may be hard to spot these changes. You may get pink or brown discharge leading up to your period too, this is called spotting, but you may not always see this.

How long after you start having discharge does your period start?

It's impossible to say when your period will start following getting discharge. Discharge starts as a girl enters puberty, everyone develops differently during puberty but typically we say that a girl will reach menarche within four years of starting puberty.

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they start since four years old, in kindergarden..

Is it normal for your period to start four days after taking a 21 days contraceptive pills?


If you start your green pills early can you start your period earlier?

Hello. Yes if you start your pills earlier you will start your period within four weeks. If you miss any pills, you will start your period earlier.

What if you haven't started your period for four months?

Everyone is different, and sometimes girls may skip a month. If you recently started your period or in this case your period was 4 months ago and it was your first time, that is normal. From my first to second period ever, I went 2 months. Again, everyone is different, and if it reaches 6 months of not having it, I would maybe consider going to the doctor.

Why do you have a period after four months of pregnancy?

You shouldn't be having a period while pregnant. If you are experiencing bleeding and/or cramping you should contact your Dr right away or go to the ER.

Can you use birth control pills to move when you get your period?

yes you can just take the birth control, when you stop your period should start three to four days after.

How old should be to start expecting your period?

The average age of menarche is 13 years old, but as young as 8 years old can still be perfectly normal - typically menstruation starts within four years of starting puberty, so if you are going through puberty you should prepare for your first period.

What does it mean when you start spotting four days after your period?

it means that you are coming to the end of your period and as you come to the end your flow will start spotting and eventually stop all together