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Freud said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." This means sometimes dreams are simply what they are and have no meaning.

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Both the person being killed in your dream and the action of killing are symbols pointing toward something else. It does not mean you would not feel terrible actually killing someone. If the person you killed is a stranger, the dream takes on a slightly different meaning than if your victim was someone you know. Stranger = the act of killing is the focus. Known person = that person or what they represent is the focus. ... The absence of feeling might suggest that the "killing" is impersonal, in the sense of "it's just my job." So the dream might be telling you that something you are doing because of your work or your position, etc., places you at a false sense of distance from the consequences. Just because you do not feel the affect of your action does not make those affects less real.

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Q: What does it mean you having dreams about killing a person and show no emotions about it?
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These dreams only reflect the dreamer's own interest or emotions about the "someone." The dreams do NOT mean that the other person is thinking about the dreamer or reveal anything about that person's feelings or intentions.

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It only means that your dreams are expressing your own emotions. It is perfectly normal to dream of the person you love - or lust for. But your dreams ONLY reflect your own feelings; they tell you nothing at all about the other person's thoughts and feelings. Neither do your dreams mean that this particular person is your soul mate, or that you are destined to be together, or anything of the sort. Your dreams simply express your present emotions.

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Having no emotion can be attributed to various factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, psychological trauma, or certain mental health conditions like alexithymia. It could also be a coping mechanism for individuals dealing with overwhelming emotions or stress. It's essential for individuals who have persistent difficulties with emotions to seek support from mental health professionals for evaluation and appropriate interventions.

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The dreams express your emotions about the person's absence. In one sense, the dreams represent an attempt by your subconscious mind to bring that person back into your life. The dreams express only your own feelings; they do not provide any information about the other person's thoughts or feelings.

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Emotions can influence behavior by creating motivation and guiding decision-making. For example, feeling fear may prompt action to protect oneself, while feeling love may lead to caring behaviors towards others. Emotions can also impact how we perceive and interpret circumstances, shaping our responses and actions accordingly.

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Dreams of meeting others are very common. If the dream involves a real person, it only suggests that the dreamer finds that person interesting or attractive. Such dreams are about the dreamer's thoughts and feelings; they provide no information about the other person's emotions or ideas.

What it mean if you keep dreaming about the same person?

dat u like the person Your dreams are about your own thoughts and feelings. It is entirely normal to dream about people whom you think about a lot. So if you have a crush on a certain person, it is not surprising if you dream about that person. These dreams reflect YOUR emotions; they do NOT reflect that person's thoughts or mean that she/he is thinking of you.

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Maybe Its Because You Still Have Feelings For That Person Your Dreaming About.

What does it mean if you have a dream with the guy that you have killed?

If the dreamer actually killed someone in real life, then dreams about that person, the dream suggests feelings of guilt and remorse. If the dreamer only dreams of killing someone, the dream suggests anger with that person.

If you dream about the same person everyday can the be dreaming of you?

No. Having a certain person appear in your dream every day suggests that you are thinking and day-dreaming about that person. But it means nothing about that person's dreams, thoughts or feelings. Your dreams take place within your own mind, just as your thoughts and feelings take place inside you. Your dreams do not affect anyone else's dreams, and their dreams have no affect on yours.

What about if that person does not know you but you still dream about him everyday?

because you like him Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind and reflect the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of the dreamer. This dream reflects the dreamer's emotions and provides no information at all about "him" or his feelings.

Can there be learning without feeling or emotions?

Unless a person or groups of people are brain-washed (the military has experimented in this) then no, you cannot learn without having feelings or emotions.