

Best Answer

1. A person is envious.

2. A person is ill or sick an going to throw up.

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Q: What does it means the face turning green?
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Why does anybody's face get green?

A person's face doesn't really turn green. If someone's face is said to be turning green, they are really trying to say that they're looking very ill.

Why does your face turn green when you are sick?

Your face "turning green" is an expression. Your skin gets very pale and gives a perception that it is a lighter mint color. it does not actually change pigment.

Does the color green mean?

The color green means the you are relaxed and laid-back. Green is also a color if you are sick. Green in the face means you are sick or going to throw-up.

Why is your ps3 turning red when you press the power button?

because it switches off. green means on, red means off.

What does the green color mean?

Green means envious or beautiful. You have good taste if you like the color green. Also it means rare and curious!

What does the idiom green around the gills mean?

It means the person looks sick. Usually they are pale and green in the face.

Why won't my fibreglass set?

Turning green means the fiberglass got moldy.

What is wrong when your toenail starts turning green?

What is wrong when your toenail starts turning green?

What does the medical term pronation mean?

Pronation means lying face-down, or turning the hand palm-down.

Is the penny turning green like the statue of liberty turning green?

yes cause its copper

What are somes examples of color change?

an apple turning green to red. a banana turning green to yellow.

How can the word turning be used as a linking verb?

He is turning green.