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There are any number of reasons your pelvic bones could hurt. Injury or illness could cause it. And there is a long list of possibilities as to the actual cause in your case. Treat the pain with over-the-counter medication and if it does not disappear over a couple of days, see a physician. If you have any doubts whatsoever, a medical opinion from a professional is a must. We do get "aches and pains" throughout our lives; they come and go. But it's your health, and your personal health care practitioner is your partner in keeping you at the top of your game. Consult this individual PRN (as needed).

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9y ago

The cause of pelvic pain could be a symptom of infection of the kidneys, appendicitis or even a hernia. This could be within the non-productive internal organs such as the colon or bladder.

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You are injured.

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I don't think so. I fractured my pelvis in 4 places a year ago. It STILL hurts if I overdo it.

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