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Q: What does it say at the end of Mr Blue Sky by ELO?
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How do you say sky blue in Irish?

The phrase 'sky blue' would be 'spéirghorm' in Irish.

Is there a color sky blue pink?

no that doesn't make sense when they say sky blue it means it is a blue colour that looks like the sky

How do you say Blue Skies or blue sky in Greek?

Blue skies isΜπλε ουρανοίblue sky isΓαλάζιο του ουρανού

What two colors to make sky blue?

If you have a regular blue, say, a royal blue, then mix it with white to get sky blue.

What colour carpet with sky blue walls?

I'd say a cream colored carpet with sky blue walls.

What did Einstein say about the sky being blue'?

Because he thought the sky was green *-*

How do you say blue sky in tagalog?

The Tagalog translation of "blue sky" is "asul na langit."

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You would say "El cielo es azul" in Antarctica, as you would in any Spanish-speaking region.

How do you say blue sky in Hawaiian?

Mala Kohi

What are the release dates for The Big Blue Marble - 1974 Say Hello to the Sky?

The Big Blue Marble - 1974 Say Hello to the Sky was released on: USA: 1976

Is the sky blue because the sea is blue?

No, the sky is blue due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, where particles in the atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions. The sea appears blue because it absorbs colors from the sunlight spectrum and reflects blue light.