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Q: What does jail bars aren't golden gates mean?
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Did Bill Gates go to jail?

No, Bill Gates has not gone to jail. He is a well-known entrepreneur and philanthropist, best known for co-founding Microsoft.

What does behind bars mean?

it means "imprisoned" or "in prison" or "in jail".

How far apart are jail bars?

i) Grille construction shall be no less than ⅞ inch steel bars, round or hexagonal. ii) The clear opening space between bars shall not exceed 5".

Why did bill gates went to jail?

Bill Gates has never been to jail. He is a successful entrepreneur who co-founded Microsoft Corporation and has been involved in various philanthropic efforts through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Why can't you whistle in jail?

In some jails, whistling is prohibited as it may have been used for signaling or communicating messages between inmates. This rule helps maintain order and security within the facility.

How long did Bill Gates stay in jail?

15 years

What if you are on in jail for probation violation in Texas?

If you are in jail for a VOP, you will likely serve the remainder of your sentence behind bars.

How many bars are there on a jail cell door?

Maybe 7

When did bill gates go to jail?

Bill gates did go to jail in Albuquerque New Mexico in 1977, for speeding and being under the infuence of marijuana. Bill Gates, back in the day, also loved cars, and loved to speed, and he has a few trafic tickets to prove that.

What is the jail?

The "term" is the length of time you are sentenced to serve behind bars.

Can you go to jail if you shoot a bear?

It depends on your states laws, but if you arent licensed and it was out of season, then yes you could be.

Did Bill Gates go to jail in 1977 if yes why?

Yes he did, It was for traffic violations. There was a mug shot, but I am unaware if he spent any time in jail