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The ending quote: not in this day and age

means; hopefully war wouldn't happen today

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Q: What does john boyne's ending quote of the boy in the striped pajamas mean?
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What does the quote 'they smell even worse when they burn' from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas show?


What kind of figurative language quotes are in The Boy in The Striped Pajamas?

um what

What is the ending of the quote no pain no?

No pain, no gain.

Ending a essay with a quote?

If you end an essay with a quote, it's best to keep the quote very brief. Ending an essay with a long quote looks lame and give the impression that it is a substitute for a conclusion. That said, there may be exceptional cases, where you need to end with a long quotation, but they are very rare.

How do you end a quote?

You can end a quote with a quotation mark. If the quote continues in the same paragraph, a comma is typically placed before the closing quotation mark. If the quote is a complete sentence, the ending punctuation (like a period or question mark) comes before the closing quotation mark.

Are you supposed to put four period if your ending a sentence in a quote but not the quote itself?

This is only used when you miss part of a quote out. So, if you quote the first part of a quote, miss out the middle, and then quote the end part, you should use the three or four periods to represent the missing text.

What is the ending for a quote that begins 'He who tooteth his own horn'?

It's a quote from the musical "Guys and Dolls."He who tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted.

Word starting with q ending with e?

queue quote quite quickie quire

Where does the question mark go if the quote is before the person who asked it?

Before the ending quotation mark.

Can you play Warcraft 3 in window mode?

Yes. Add -window after the ending quote in the shortcut you use to launch WC3.

How do you write a good ending for a speech?

ask a questionplease don't. it's really not that correct, and it's not the best way to end a speech. try to end it with something like, for example: "So get out there, raise your flag, and show the world that you care!" It gets the crowd motivated, and it's a great ending.another good ending would be to end with a quote. so, for my memorial day essay, i ended with a quote from a general.(In quote to this answer)No. In some ways that is not a good idea. If you already have a strong beginning with a quote, ending with a quote will make it seem weak and it was your last resort. So, Instead, end with a strong short paragraph that sides with your topic.No please end you speech with a question. Would if i did a speech about bulling in schools i would end my speech like: "would you want your child to be bullied?" that is a great ending because it appeals to your audience's emotions.The ending of your speech must be yours - you need to decide what sort of ending best goes with the rest of the speech. You can't just copy an ending someone else thinks is good. Find a sentence or paragraph that sums up what you've already told the audience and will help them to remember that information and think about it more.

What was Bella's ending quote in the movie 'Eclipse'?

Bella's Ending Quote in 'Eclipse'The longer quote is: "This wasn't a choice between you and Jacob. It was a choice between who I should be and who I am. I've always felt out of step. Like literally stumbling through my life. I never felt normal. But know I know. I'm not normal. And I don't want to be. I've faced death and loss and pain in your world. But I've also never felt stronger, more real…more myself. Because it's my world, too, Edward. It's where I belong." The final short quote is: "Let's go tell Charlie."