

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, which was later changed to The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, was written by John Boyne. The story follows a young boy, Bruno, through the Holocaust.

735 Questions

What did gretel see when she looked through the window in Bruno’s room?

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Asked by Desiree Segura

When Bruno and Gretel look out their window in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, they see Jewish prisoners following orders inside the Auschwitz concentration camp.

What is conflicts in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

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Bruno, son of the Commandant, is friends with Shmuel, a Jew on the other side of the fence.

What is gretel personality in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

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Gretel is your typical German in Hitler Youth at the time. She thinks she's better and smarter than her brother, and when they move to Out-With, she is more mature.

In the boy in the striped pajamas why did maria think the father was good man?

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Maria defended father because when Maria's mother died and she was homeless, he took her in and gave her a job.

Why is there no greenery in the distance after the fence in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

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Because it is a concentration camp. Bruno's father is head of this camp and had to move close to it, to make sure everything was running the way it was suppose to be. This explains why they were so close to it. Concentration camps were a brutal place. It was basically a slaughter house, and it was pointless in trying to make it look appealing to the eye when the things going on inside the fence could scar you forever.

What are some Examples of alliteration in the boy and the striped pajamas?

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Some examples of alliteration in "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" include phrases like "safe side," "Father Fury," and "frightened father." These instances of alliteration create a rhythmic and memorable effect in the text.

'What new insights and understandings does John Boyne want the reader to gain in the story of the boy in the striped pajamas'?

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In "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," John Boyne aims to convey the message of the tragic consequences of ignorance, prejudice, and blind obedience. Through the innocent friendship between Bruno and Shmuel, the author highlights the power of empathy, the importance of questioning authority, and the human capacity for connection beyond societal barriers. Ultimately, Boyne invites readers to reflect on the atrocities of the Holocaust and the need for compassion and understanding in the face of hatred and discrimination.

What is Bruno's relationship like with his mother in the boy in the striped pajamas?

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Bruno has a better relationship with his mother then his father, Bruno is clearly fairly close as he asks most of his questions to his mother. His father is working at the camp so his mother is one only people he can talk to.

What is the meaning of the pyjamas in the boy in the striped pyjamas?

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I think thats what jews wore when in concertration camps. In the book Bruno asks this question and schmuel replies with "its what they gave us, the soldiers took our clothes and belongings away from us and replaced it with these"

What did Shmuel and Bruno discover they had in common?

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they both had the same birthday

Who directed the boy in the striped pyjamas?

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Mark Herman directed The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.

What is the name of the soldier in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

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Lieutenant Kurt Kotler. He is sent to a different camp by the commandant for unknown reasons (although some speculate he was having an affair with the commandant's wife).

Can you give me 10 sentences about Bruno in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

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Bruno is a very suspicious boy and loves to explore, is also very though full. he cares abut people and does believe in equality in addition he is a caring friend and tries to keep out of everybody's way. he wants to help people such a sumel in to finding his father, he is always positive. that all i can think of hope you can get other contributions!

What happens after Bruno and Shmuel die in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

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Well, in the book they get taken on a death march into a big room. Bruno believes that it is a room to keep them dry until the rain stops. It does not specifically say how they died in the book, yet after some research you will find that the room that they were brought into was a gas chamber (unknown to them). These chambers were common in Nazi concentration camps. They found it an easy way to kill of the prisoners. Most prisoners were innocent, and randomly picked to die. These chambers were filled with poisonous gas, so they most likely just suffocated from the gas.

How old was Bruno in the boy with the striped pajamas?

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Gretel is 12 years old and Bruno is 9 years old.

What was brunos last name in the boy in striped pajamas?

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Bruno's surname is not released in the novel.

Why did the author of the boy in the striped pajamas choose the title?

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Sara Michelle Fetters: Why did you want to write this book? Where did the idea come from?

John Boyne: I started writing the book in April of 2004 and it wasn't the book I intended writing at all. I was a student of the Holocaust for a number of years but I never expected to write about it, but I ended up having this idea, the idea of two boys at a fence talking to each other, and I thought to tell the story from the point of view of the German child. I thought the image of him walking to the fence everyday and asking questions would be a fresh take on the subject matter. The idea just seemed too interesting to ignore.