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It means they want to try something 'out of the ordinary' - including (but not limited to) dressing up, food etc...

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2mo ago

A kinky lover refers to someone who enjoys exploring and engaging in sexual activities that are considered unconventional, taboo, or outside of traditional sexual norms. This may involve preferences for certain fetishes, BDSM practices, or other forms of sexual experimentation.

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What does kinky mean sexually?

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What does 'kinky' mean?

If you know the meaning of perverted, kinky is the same, sexual behavior Sometimes it means: Whips, chains, handcuffs, Toys.. Rough.. Yeah..That's also kinky.

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Translation: Lover of mine. -OR- My lover.

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Lover and can also mean my lover or poetically, my love.

What is the definition of kinky?

Kinky can mean 3 things:unconventional (adj)curly (adj)showing bizarre sexual taste (adj)Definition of 'Kinky': appealing to bizarre or deviant tastes, especially of a sexual or erotic nature. Out of the norm and a bit "out there"."Kinky" is a colloquial and often jocular word for "perverted". Unlike the latter, it can be used in a positive sense, for example, "Enjoy a spot of kinky sex". The Wikipedia article seems to assume that "kinky" is to most practical intents and purposes a synonym for "Bdsm" and "fetishism", in both cases obviously between consenting adults. Intuitively, this seems more or less correct. Anything more bizarre or lacking adult consent is usually described as "perverted" rather than "kinky".Kinky can also mean "curly," as in "kinky hair."Kinky means behaving in an unusual, idiosyncratic way characterized by odd or bizarre qualities. It also means having kinks or twists in tightly coiled wire.

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I suppose it means a lover who has no competition.

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Very Simple...........You are a cheat!

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You may mean 'kinky' - this means a bit weird and strange.

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Monte'Sha means some one that's sexy, kinky, and love.

What does mild to wild mean in personal ads?

It means "from ordinary sex to kinky sex".