

What does lady gaga wants in her life?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What does lady gaga wants in her life?
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Has fame ruined Lady Gaga's life?

No, Fame has not ruined Lady Gaga's life.

Why does Lady Gaga where wigs?

Lady Gaga wears wigs because she wants to keep her hair fancy.

Why does Lady Gaga dress so little and bleach her hair?

Lady Gaga does those things because it is her life and she can do those things if she wants to. It's like if you wanted to do those things. By the way, Lady Gaga wears a white wig. She just cuts her hair. Lady Gaga's real hear color is brown.

How is Lady Gaga brave?

Lady gaga is brave because she can wear whatever she wants to and not care what people say.

Who is Lady Gaga friends with?

anyone who wants to be friend with her. =]

Why does Lady Gaga wants to be called ' Lady Gaga '?

One day when GaGa came into the studio to record, her manager sent her a text message speaking of Radio GaGa, a song that GaGa loves. It was auto-corrected to Lady GaGa and the name stuck.

Why did Lady Gaga have horns sticking out of her shoulders?

Cause She Wants To And She Does Whatever She Wants

Who did Lady Gaga lick?

Lady Gaga has licked and kissed thousands of men in her life and she always will.

Was Lady Gaga a man at one point?

No, Lady Gaga has been a women all her life.

Why did Lady Gaga write the song Judas?

Lady gaga Wrote The Song Judas Because She Wants To tell the World that she love Jesus and Judas!

Why does lady gaga want to be so crazy?

because she wants to be crazy

How did Lady Gaga help others?

Lady Gaga brought Pop Music back to life after it was shot in the face!