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Large feet indicate that you will have more height. Large nose can be a genetic trait.

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Q: What does large feet and nose indicate in puberty?
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Does your nose grow during puberty?

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How tall is a cougar from head to tail?

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How can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?

because your feet sweat and the sweat sits there and releases a gas to make the smell. Thank you for using

What could an itchy nose indicate?

An itchy nose might indicate that one is having an allergic reaction, one might be suffering from hayfever or one might be about to suffer from the common cold. In superstition an itchy nose indicates that someone is thinking about you.

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If your nose runs and your feet smell, you're built upside down.

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It will be large (up to 10 feet from nose to tail), and light/golden tan or orange with black stripes, and will probably be eating you.

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Animal skulls can show the prominence of ears, nose, or eyes. If one is particularly large, this could indicate that the sense of hearing, smell, or sight, respectively, was of particular importance to that animal.

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Width of statue of libertys nose?

Her nose is 4 and a half feet wide

What is Raynaud's disease and how do you assess for it?

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