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It kills them. I tested it. it failed because it died. lemon juice kills it. it was dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead. Lemon juice kills radish seed germination. I did a scietific experiment to prove it.

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Q: What does lemon juice do to the germination of radish seeds?
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Does sprite affect the germination of radish seeds?

No, Sprite does not affect the germination of radish seeds. Germination is primarily influenced by factors such as water, light, temperature, and seed quality. Sprite, a carbonated beverage, does not have any properties that would directly impact seed germination.

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Thiamine increases the germination rate of the radish seeds. Thiamine basically helps cut down the growing time of the seeds and gives them the ability to grow in less than ideal conditions.

Does tomato juice inhibit seed germination?

The quick answer is yes. Tomato juice contains certain substances such as Potassium which will inhibit the germination of seeds. If seeds are placed in 100% tomato juice then none should germinate however more will germinate when the concentration of tomato juice is reduced.] Hope that helps!!

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Radish seeds in Hindi are called "मूली के बीज" (mooli ke beej).

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Im trying to figure out the exact samething for a science fair project. (x

Does the DNA in a lemon change when the juice of an orange is injected into it?

No. It just becomes a lemon with orange juice inside it. It's still a lemon and its seeds will still produce nothing but lemon trees.

Will radish seeds grow in vinegar?

No, radish seeds will not germinate in vinegar.

What is the formula in getting the percentage of germination of seeds?

(# of seeds germinated/# of seeds sown)*100=% of germination

What is the formula in getting the percentage of seeds germination?

(# of seeds germinated/# of seeds sown)*100=% of germination

What are radish seeds made up of?

radish seed

What do radish seeds grow?

Radish seeds grow radishes, just like apple seeds grow apple trees.