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Q: What does lento mean in musical terms?
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What is the definition of lento?

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Lento is a musical term meaning to play?

I can't be sure but I think lento means slow.

Italian musical term meaning very slow?

Lento or Ritardando

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What are the 10 musical terms?

Some of the musical terms denoting tempo indications are Lento (slow), Moderato (moderately), Allegro (briskly) and Presto (very fast, nimble). Terms implying articulation include Legato (smoothly), Staccato (detached) and Marcato (marked). Terms indicating tonality include Piano (softly), Forte (loudly) and Crescendo (gradually getting louder).

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A musical score or the process of creating a musical score.

What does homophonic mean in musical terms?

it means no to the no

What music term means slow?

Musical terms are usually (but not always) in Italian. The Italian musical terms that mean "slow down" are: Rallentando (or Rall.) Ritardando (or Ritard. or Rit.) The following terms also involve an element of slowing down: Calando - slowing down and getting quieter Ritenuto - slowing down suddenly, but usually only temporarily before returning to the usual speed again Slargando - slowing down from a Largo (broad, slow) tempo, becoming even more slow Slentando - slowing down from a Lento (slow) tempo, becoming even more slow

What is the meaning of the musical term lento?

Lento, in music means slow. Its slightly faster then "largo" (if you dont know what that means please click here But its played at a staeady beat.

What is a musical term for gradually getting softer?

There are may ways to say slow like Lento Adagio Andante (moderately slow) There are many other ways to say slow but these are the basics Musical terms indicating a slow tempo include "Adagio", "Largo" and "Lento."

What in music terms does rinforzando mean?

In musical terms, rinforzando means reinforced.

What does as if or almost mean in musical terms?

Quasi is an Italian musical term meaning: As if, resembling