

What does light do to bats?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Bats like to sleep during the day, and they hunt during the night, so they need it to be dark in order for them to sleep peacefully. Therefore, light disturbs them from their slumber, just like it would to a human.

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Q: What does light do to bats?
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How come bats hate the light?

Simply put, bats are nocturnal and will therefore sleep for most of the day until evening. It is not so much a hatred of the light as it is a preference for the dark, due to their nocturnal nature.

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Vampire bats are covered in fur. It is a burnt amber colored fur on their backside and a light brown fur that covers their belly.

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Dolphins because water is often murky. Light doesn't travel far below the surface. Bats because they've evolved to be nocturnal when they're less threatened by predators and have plenty of prey for themselves.

Can bats see in infrared?

They do not see infrared light. Most bats are completely blind, using 'echo-location', ie radar, to "see" in the dark.

What colour are bats eyes?

Most bats have a greyish-black coat of fur, but more extravagant types have brown, white, and even yellow.