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Lotancila means I love you

Mitawa means mine

Together it's like my love or my heart

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Q: What does lotancila mitawa mean in Lakota language?
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There is no "language Indian". Be more specific. Do you mean Lakota? Cherokee? Tamil? Hindi? Something else?

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If this is in the Lakota language, tate means wind, au is the plural formation of the verb "to come" - in Lakota the noun is made plural by the verb form being changed.So: "the winds are coming", or "coming winds".

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In sign language, two fingers can simply mean the number 2. It can also mean the more modern meaning of peace or tranquility.

What does Techihhila mean in native American?

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What does powerful mean in lakota Sioux?

The Lakota word for "to be strong or powerful" is wash'aka (archaic sh'aka or sh'akecha).