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Q: What does materials that allow heat to flow through them quickly mean?
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Which kind of materials allow electrocity to flow through them?

how we can know???? hahha

What is the material that does not allow energy to pass through it easily?

Materials that allow energy to flow easily through it are called conductors.

What materials will conduct the flow of electricity?

While electricity doesn't flow, current does. Conductors are materials that allow the electrical currents to flow through them. Metals are the best conduction, such as silver and copper.

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A materials ability to allow heat to flow is what?


Materials that electricity cannot flow through?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. The main materials that do not allow the easy flow of electrons are rubber, nylon wood, glass, ceramic, plastic and free air.

What is a non-conductive resistor?

non-conductive resistors are resistors made from materials which do not allow the passage or flow of electric current through them.

How flow of energy is different from flow of materials?

The flow of energy occurs from the sun in photosynthetic organisms. Another examples is a food chain with the flow of energy from through organisms from a producer. The flow of materials describes the movement of materials or components.

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Which materials can current flow through?

different metals

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What is a layer of rock that allow water to flow through?

A porous and permeable rock will allow water to pass through. Rocks layers that allow the flow of water may be described as an aquifer.