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"Mein Kampf" means "My Struggle" in German. It was written by Adolf Hitler and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. The book was used as a Propaganda tool by the Nazi party to spread their racist and anti-Semitic views, ultimately helping to mobilize support for Hitler and the party's rise to power.

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Q: What does mein kampf mean and how was it used in germay?
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What does Mein Kampf mean in english?

first answer: My Strugglesecond answer: The more correct translation is "My Fight". The "My Struggle" is an incorrect translation often used in various history books.

Can you buy a copy of mein kampf?

Yes, you can buy a copy of "Mein Kampf" as it is no longer under copyright. However, it is important to consider the historical context and content of the book, as it promotes hateful ideology and has been used to justify violence and discrimination.

Why did Max Vandenburg read a copy of Mein kampf?

Max Vandenburg read a copy of Mein Kampf because his hair was the same color as Hitler's, and he felt that it may save his life if he was stopped by any soldiers. He used the book as a disguise, allowing him to escape unnoticed.

Did Mein Kampf make Adolf Hitler a millionaire?

No, Mein Kampf did not make Adolf Hitler a millionaire. While the book did generate some money from sales, Hitler did not profit significantly from its publication during his lifetime. Most of the royalties were controlled by the Nazi Party or used for specific purposes.

Quote from mein kampf tell them it's for the children?

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. " -Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Publ. Houghton Miflin, 1943, Page 403 If that were in fact found in Mein Kampf, it would have been written long before 1943. Mein Kampf was written in the 1920's. He began writing it when in prison in 1923, and it was published in 1925 and 1926. But that is not the only problem with the quote -- having just found Mein Kamf online and done a text search for each time the word "children" was used, and reading each sentence in which the word was used, it is clear that while that quote very accurately reflects what Hitler was doing in the book, that quote is also found nowhere in Mein Kampf and is simply manufactured. In other words, whoever began disseminating that quote was lying. It may be lie which actually includes a great deal of truth, but attributing those words, as a quote, to Mein Kampf is utterly inaccurate. Here is the online text of Mein Kampf to check for yourself It appears others also challenge its authenticity.

Related questions

What does Mein Kampf mean in english?

first answer: My Strugglesecond answer: The more correct translation is "My Fight". The "My Struggle" is an incorrect translation often used in various history books.

What is the propaganda technique used by Hitler in mein kampf?

Big Lie

Can you buy a copy of mein kampf?

Yes, you can buy a copy of "Mein Kampf" as it is no longer under copyright. However, it is important to consider the historical context and content of the book, as it promotes hateful ideology and has been used to justify violence and discrimination.

Why did Max Vandenburg read a copy of Mein kampf?

Max Vandenburg read a copy of Mein Kampf because his hair was the same color as Hitler's, and he felt that it may save his life if he was stopped by any soldiers. He used the book as a disguise, allowing him to escape unnoticed.

What is the definition of the word mein?

Mein is a German word that means mine or my. The most famous use of the word is Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. There are several different ways that the word can be used.

Did Mein Kampf make Adolf Hitler a millionaire?

No, Mein Kampf did not make Adolf Hitler a millionaire. While the book did generate some money from sales, Hitler did not profit significantly from its publication during his lifetime. Most of the royalties were controlled by the Nazi Party or used for specific purposes.

Quote from mein kampf tell them it's for the children?

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. " -Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Publ. Houghton Miflin, 1943, Page 403 If that were in fact found in Mein Kampf, it would have been written long before 1943. Mein Kampf was written in the 1920's. He began writing it when in prison in 1923, and it was published in 1925 and 1926. But that is not the only problem with the quote -- having just found Mein Kamf online and done a text search for each time the word "children" was used, and reading each sentence in which the word was used, it is clear that while that quote very accurately reflects what Hitler was doing in the book, that quote is also found nowhere in Mein Kampf and is simply manufactured. In other words, whoever began disseminating that quote was lying. It may be lie which actually includes a great deal of truth, but attributing those words, as a quote, to Mein Kampf is utterly inaccurate. Here is the online text of Mein Kampf to check for yourself It appears others also challenge its authenticity.

What does mein mean in Hindi?

In Hindi, "mein" means "I" or "in." It is commonly used to indicate oneself or to express possession or location.

What was the book which Adolf Hitler explained his beliefs?

Adolf Hitler's book is title Mein Kampf (translated to My Struggle). It is an autobiography that was used to explain and depict Hitler's political ideologies and plans for the future of Germany. The book is split into two volumes, and was written when Hitler was imprisoned for "political crimes" in 1923.

What is reef chow mein?

Reef chow mein is a Chinese dish made up of stir-fried noodles, vegetables, and seafood such as shrimp, calamari, and fish. The noodles are typically cooked until crispy, then tossed with the seafood and vegetables in a savory sauce.

Was Hitler quiet in prison?

No, Hitler was not quiet in prison. While serving his prison sentence following the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, Hitler wrote extensively, including his infamous book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), in which he outlined his political ideology and goals for Germany. He used this time to articulate and solidify his ideas, which would later become the basis for Nazi ideology.

When did Hitler go to jail?

Hitler wrote a book of his ideal society and how he would go about achiving it. It was called "My Struggle" or "Mein Kampf" in German. He also used his arrest and trial as an opportunity to make himself a national figure and further publicize Nazi party ideas and policies.