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Meth is an incredibly strong and addictive stimulant. It decreases the need for food and sleep while increasing energy and sexuality. It is so euphoric that people compulisvely use it while ignoring negative consequences to their body and the people around them. It causes weight loss and destruction of the gums and teeth (meth mouth).

Prolonged binging can lead to stimulant psychosis resulting in a schizophrenic like state of paranoia and visual and auditory hallucinations.

While it can be used without becoming addicted most people recommend against it.

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12y ago
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14y ago

What They Are: Methamphetamines (say: meh-tham-feh-tuh-meenz) are stimulants. Stimulants are a type of drug that speed up your brain. They are produced as pills, powders, or chunky crystals called ice.

The crystal form, nicknamed crystal meth, is a popular drug, especially with young adults and for those who frequently go out to dance clubs and parties. The number of teens who abuse crystal meth is on the rise in the United States.

Sometimes Called: speed, uppers, meth, crystal meth, chalk, ice, glass, copilots, Christmas tree, crank (when injected) How They're Used: Methamphetamines are swallowed, inhaled, smoked, or injected into a vein. What They Do to You: Swallowed or snorted (also called bumping), methamphetamines give the user an intense high. Injections create a quick but strong intense high, called a rush or a flash.

Methamphetamines, like regular amphetamines, also take away appetite. It is a dangerous strategy sometimes used by people trying to lose weight quickly.

Methamphetamines give someone the ability to stay awake and do continuous activity with less need for sleep. They pump up a person's heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. They also cause sweating, headaches, blurred vision, dry mouth, hot flashes, and dizziness.

People who are abusing methamphetamines feel high and full of energy. They think the drug will allow their bodies to keep going and going. But methamphetamines are very damaging to the body and brain, especially with repeated use. Long-term use of methamphetamines can cause brain damage that causes problems with memory and body movement.

When used in larger doses, methamphetamines can cause dangerously high body temperature, confusion, convulsions (uncontrollable jerking body movements), and even death.

It's bad stuff and not even knowing you, I am begging you to not try Meth in any form!

Methamphetamine, when used chronically over a long period of time (months) also causes damage to the bone marrow making bones weaker, damages teeth from the inside out, causes area of brain tissue to die and become scar tissue.

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11y ago

Meth makes your brain look like swiss chesse and for example if you have to go to the bathroom and you took meth it messes with the brains fuction of thinking and you totally forget about going to the bathroom and meth is a drug that if you take it your body and brain and everything thing inside can't recover from...

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9y ago

The short term effects of taking meth include loss of appetite, changes in sleeping patterns, severe mood swings and unpredictable behavior, tremors, elevated blood pressure, and irregular heart beat. Long term use leads to mental and physical breakdowns, premature aging and death.

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13y ago

It can make you very very sick or even kill you!

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14y ago

acts as if you were 'speed.' paranoia also takes place. some types of hallucinations.

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14y ago

multiple types of cancers and infections.

oral cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer (snorting method). lung infections, tooth decay etc.

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13y ago

meth can really mess up your body. if ur 27 and using meth for a period of time youll look about 46. you would lose weight also. your hair would change color too.

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