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Q: What does methaphetamine xanex and opiates do to a human body?
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How does the nervous system help ease pain in the body?

Nerve terminals release endorphins, which are the human body's own opiates, essentially.

What does opi mean on a drug test?

Opiates such as morphine and heroin and everything inbetween

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How do you pass a drug test in 5 days for opiates?

Opiates last only three days in the body, so not using opiates for five days should fix you up.

How much opiates are in hydrocodone?

The questioner misunderstands the subject. Hydrocodone is an OPIATE, meaning that its effects on the human body and its chemical makeup make it identifiable as belonging to the opiate family of drugs.

Does magnum detox softgel capsule flush out xanex?

Yes it does flush xanex & all other toxins out of your system. With enough water & clear fluids, the process should take about 7 hours. I am prescribed xanex and when I use a Magnum detox softgel, after a few hours I can tell my xanex is getting out of my system with my anxiety increasing & the gritting of my teeth. I have to speed up my dosage & increase it after the flush to get my body's system leveled back to normal, which does not take long.

Does bizzy Jamaican tea detox opiates from your body?


What body system excretes heroin?

none.. the body has opioid receptors.. opiates are not always heroin.. its your brainnn

Can you flush opiates out of your system?

No, if you cease taking them, your body will eventually eliminate them depending on your metabolism.

What is denser water or the human body?

i guessing-the human body

If you have a human body and human testicles and human organs are you human?

Yes - if you have a human body you are human.