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A misconception is a belief, view, or opinion, usually widely-held, that is incorrect. Misconception is an inaccurate fact, that is often wide-spread. It is sometimes difficult to identify misconceptions because many of our "facts" are just a matter of semantics. For example, whether Pluto is a planet or not depends on your definition of "planet". The same can be said for question of how many "senses" there are, whether a tomato is a "fruit" and so on. What follows are actual misconceptions, we hope:

-Cold doesn't cause cold (the disease). It is caused by a virus.

-Christopher Columbus was not unusual in thinking that the world was round. Everyone knew that. He was unusual in thinking that the world was much smaller than it really is. Everyone else knew its correct size.

-Milk is not good for cats. Most cats cannot digest it.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Vague question. There is not a specific adjective for any noun. You need to understand what information or detail you are conveying about the misconception.

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15y ago

Simple anwser: FACT.

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14y ago

misunderstanding or wrong ideas

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