

What does mole represent?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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A very large, specific number of items

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Ebba Hoeger

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Q: What does mole represent?
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What does a mole represent in animal imagery?

What does a mole represent in animal imagery? afriend ask me why I had invited moles into my life and I would like to know what that means for me?

Does carbon dioxide represent a mole or a molecule?

A molecule.

What if two samples of elements each represent one mole then?

If two samples of elements each represent one mole, then both samples have 6.022 x 1023 atoms of the elements.

Can a mole represent a molecule?

A mole represents a set number of molecules, not just 1 molecule. There are avagadro's number of molecules in a mole. Avagadro's number: 6.022x10^23

What does one mole of a substance represent on a microscopic atomic basis?

One mole is what 6.022x1023 molecules of an element masses. Example: One mole of Carbon equals 12.01 grams.

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The amount of energy required to turn a mole of a liquid into a gas

What does the latent heat vaporization represent?

The amount of energy required to turn a mole of a liquid into a gas

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Mole Ratio

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Represents the mole ratios between any two substance

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ben critaly from verdin high school in winsfor chesire England and lives at 10 lower hiagh street near doddy is a fkn little gay mole he sent me a message saying that he like me in a agy way ben critaly from verdin high school in winsfor chesire England and lives at 10 lower hiagh street near doddy is a fkn little gay mole he sent me a message saying that he like me in a gay way mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole mole

What are idiomatic or metaphorical expressions with mole the animal?

The use of the term "mole" to indicate a covert agent does not directly represent an idiom, because it suggests stealthy, unobserved activity.The mole is used in connection with eyesight, e.g. blind as a mole, but not nearly as often as the totally incorrect "blind as a bat."The most common metaphor has to do with a mole's burrowing. The phrase "making a mountain out of a molehill" means to exaggerate the effect of an activity or event, referring to the very small amount of dirt a mole leaves on the surface.

Why is Avogadro's number used to relate the number of particles in 1 mole?

By definition the Avogadro number is the number of molecules in 1 mole of substance; the value is 6,022 140 857(74).10e23.