

What does molecule mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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A molecule is the smallest particle of a substance (material or "matter") that retains its characteristic chemical identity - e.g. texture, colour-, physical properties - behavior as a solid, liquid, gas or other state at different temperatures and pressures - and its chemical properties - how it reacts with other substances.

A molecule may be as small as a single atom of an element - elements as found in the periodical table, e.g. helium atoms, gold atoms - or may be a structure of several atoms linked to one another. For example, a molecule of water is two hydrogen atoms connected to one oxygen atom.

Some molecules may be very large and geometrically complex, such as the molecules - like DNA, proteins and other organic compounds - that make up living systems.

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11y ago

A molecule is 2 or more atoms bonded to form a "compound' with it's own unique chemical properties. Bonds increase stability.

A molecule of water is comprised of 2 Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom.

A molecule of Oxygen is comprised of 2 Oxygen atoms.

Sugars and carbohydrates are combination of Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen

Proteins Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen

A molecule can be as simple as 2Hydrogen atoms or as complicated as DNA

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