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Natural selection over long periods of time leads to a fitter and more reproductively successful group of organisms thus becoming more common in a population. It will lead to evolution.

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Q: What does natural selection over long periods of time lead to?
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Related questions

What did Darwin propose by saying that over a long natural selection could lead to?

Darwin proposed that, over a long period of time, naturall selection could lead to the formation of new species.

How do variation and natural selection work together to cause evolution?

They help each other by gradually accumulate in a species, while unfavorable ones may disappear. Over a long time, natural selection can lead to changes.

What are Darwin's four theories of evolution?

Darwin's four theories of evolution are: 1) Variation: individuals within a population have different traits. 2) Inheritance: these traits can be passed on to offspring. 3) Natural Selection: organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. 4) Time: evolution occurs over long periods of time through the accumulation of small changes.

Is it possible for evolution to occur by both natural selection and punctuated equilibrium?

Yes. Evolution via punctuated equilibrium still depends on natural selection. In punctuated equilibrium there are long periods in which most species are well-suited to their environments, and so there is is little selective pressure to change. These periods are punctuated by times of more rapid environmental change and greater stress, which results in greater selective pressure for populations to change.

What theory purposes that evolution occurs steadily in tiny changes over long periods of time?

That's part of the theory of evolution by natural selection (Darwinism) but not the main principle, and some other (obsolete) theories also included this belief. I don't know if there is a more specific answer, but if you can't find one, just go with natural selection.

What was in the Darwin's book the Origin of Species?

One long argument with supporting evidence for the theory of evolution by natural selection. Starting with artificial selection, used as an analogue for natural selection, and ending with the distribution of animals, biogeography, Darwin showed the species arose through natural process over long lengths of time.

Did the theory of natural selection come before heliocentric theory?

No. Not by a long shot.

What resulted from a genetic variation that was favored by natural selection?

the long neck of a giraffe

What was natural selection based on during the holocaust?

The Holocaust has nothing to do with natural selection, or vice versa. The Holocaust was the result of atrocious crimes committed under the leadership of a few madmen, inspired by a long tradition of antisemitism. Natural selection is a model that describes differential reproductive success in natural populations, under natural circumstances.

Why is central Asia dry?

Monsoons lead to long periods of drought in central Asia

Which of the following resulted from a genetic variation that was favored by natural selection?

The Long Neck of a Giraffe .

Which type of selection can result in branching evolution if it goes on long enough?

Natural selection is the type of selection that can result in a branching evolutionary tree if it goes on long enough. This is because organisms may eventually evolve into a distinct species.