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In preparation for winter, the cholorphyll a in plants leaves will stop working, turning allowing for other leave pigments to be revealed. That is the reds, yellows, and browns that you see when fall arrives. Generally before winter the hibernating animals will begin to collect food to sustain them during their long winter sleep. For example, bears (who hibernate durning the winter) will sometimes eat up to hundreds of pounds of berries, nuts, and etible plants before they die in the coming cold weather. Sometimes bears will also go after garbage because dumps near their habitats are easy and filling meals for bears. Alot of bulbed plants hibernate in a way too. Their flowering part and leaves ubove the surface shrink back so that the bulb can retain as much water and warmth as it can while conserving its internal energy. Both the bulbed plants and the bears will rise from their hibernation and be rejuvinated when spring comes around.

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Q: What does nature do to prepare for winter?
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Is winter helpful?

To nature, not really. Most plants die in the winter because of the cold weather.