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when you go diving, you take a pressurized tank of air, air consists of about 79% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen, at normal pressure (atmospheric pressuer) the partial pressure of Nitrogen is 0.79 Bar and Oxygen 0.21 Bar which is safe.

Under high pressures (say 5 Bar which is at a depth of about 40 metres) the partial pressure of each gas increases Nitrogen (0.79x5=3.95Bar) which causes the lungs to absorb the nitrogen at a higher rate which influences the nervous system causing Narcosis (As if you're Drunk)

The reason why you can't take a tank of oxygen instead of air is that oxygen becomes toxic at higher partial pressures

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Q: What does nitrogen have to do with diving?
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Which alteration of consciousness during deep sea diving is knows as?

Nitrogen Narcosis (martini Effect) also known as ruptures in deep sea diving.

What are the properties of fluids that can make scuba diving dangerous?

The propertie that make the fluids dangerous is nitrogen.

Which gases go into diving cylinders?

There are various mixes of gases which can be used in diving tanks. The most commonly used one for recreational diving is normal air which consists of 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen (and a small amount of carbon dioxide, argon and other gases) Sometimes the proportion of nitrogen - oxygen is change as follows: Air (80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen) Nitrox-28 (72% nitrogen and 28% oxygen) Nitrox-30 (70% nitrogen and 30% oxygen) Nitrox-32 (68% nitrogen and 32% oxygen) Nitrox-34 (66% nitrogen and 34% oxygen) These are just examples but different mixes can be made You can also use mixes of nitrogen, oxygen and helium. this mix is called trimix. Hope that helps

The condition known as the bends results from?

Nitrogen dissolved in the blood stream while diving is returning to a gaseous state.

What is the percentage of oxygen and helium in diving?

The percentage of oxygen in diving varies depending on the diving depth and the type of diving. For recreational diving, the typical oxygen concentration is around 21%. However, for technical diving, the oxygen concentration can be increased up to 100% to reduce the risk of nitrogen narcosis at greater depths. Helium is often used as a diluent gas in technical diving to reduce the amount of nitrogen in breathing mixtures at very deep depths. The percentage of helium varies typically between 0% and 90% depending on the dive plan and depth.

How could nitrogen be used as a explosive?

Nitrogen by itself does not support combustion. But if pressuring a vessel with nitrogen and allowing it to overpressure (beyond vessel limits) a vessel can explode by fatigue. Under pressure, for example when scuba diving, yes, but otherwise, I don't think so.

What is consciousness during deep sea diving called?

i- Raptures of the deep, ii- Martini Effect, iii- Nitrogen Narcosis both.

The gas element used in deep-sea diving?

Deep-sea diving act of descending into deep water, with some breathing apparatus, help them to remain there for an extended period. There can be multiple gases used depending on desired depth and length of dive the common is a tri-mixed gas of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Helium.

What water sport is the most dangerous Out of swimming water skiing surfing scuba diving snorkeling kayaking or canoeing?

I would say scuba diving. You can get the bends, or nitrogen narcosis. There is also the factor of running out oxygen during a dive.

Why do you need oxygen cylinders when you go scuba diving?

The simple answer is ... you don't. A majority of scuba dives use compressed air in the cylinders. Therefore you don't need "oxygen" cylinders. HOWEVER, if you are a diver that is diving on Nitrox, in which divers change the amount of oxygen vs nitrogen in their air, then your tank needs to be "oxygen clean" because you are putting oxygen in first, then nitrogen.

Which gases weigh more than air Im aware that helium qualifies but also you are aware that you have few known sources of this gas IE What other gasses are a viable choice for diving?

- Helium is less dense than air. - For diving, as diluents for oxygen nitrogen and helium are used.