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The only organisms that have backbones are the vertebrates, which include fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The invertebrates are all the other animals that do not have backbones. However, there are lots of other organisms that don't have backbones, such as plants, fungi, algae, protozoans, and bacteria. So really, the better question is, "which organisms do have backbones?", and then once that question is answered, your question can be answered as "everything else".

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A flying insect.

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Starfish .

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moth basically any inverterbrate or a insect

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Q: What does not have a backbone but has five arms?
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The backbone sugar of RNA is ribose, which is a five carbon carbohydrate. When the oxygen atom from carbon number 2 is lost, it gives deoxy ribose, which is the backbone sugar for DNA.

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Name the organism that does not have a back bone but has five arms?

A star fish, although the "arms" are not arms in the same sense as the arms of a human being, of course.

What animal is two and half ton and stretching up to fifty-five feet and has no backbone?

A Squid!

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