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The number one answer would be salt.

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Q: What does ocean water absorb?
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What devastating effects can killer algae have on the sea and the ocean?

Too much in one area can absorb all the oxygen in the water, making the water uninhabitable.

What will happen when gravel touches water?

The Gravel will absorb the water until it can absorb anymore.

Hows does a starfish obtain water?

They live in the ocean so they stay wet. They are always surrounded by water and they absorb it. If they are above water for too long then they dry out.

What rocks can absorb water?

Some rocks that are known to absorb water include sandstone, limestone, and shale. These rocks have interconnected pore spaces that allow water to be drawn in and stored within their structure.

Does mud absorb water?

Mud does absorb water.

Why evaporation draws water but not salt from the ocean?

Evaporation in this case occurs when heat radiates from the sun and is transferred to the molecules on the surface of the ocean. Individual water molecules will eventually absorb enough energy to go from the liquid to gaseous form, and evaporate. Dissolved salt molecules cannot spontaneously absorb enough radiated energy from the sun to become gaseous (pure NaCl boils and becomes a gas at 2575 °F). It is worth mentioning that, even though individual water molecules absorb enough energy to become gaseous, the entire solution (ocean water) does not reach this high temperature.

What percentage of CO2 that is emitted by the atmosphere is absorb by the ocean?

35% is obsorbed by ocean

How does the ocean absorb heat?

The ocean absorbs heat through the suns rays

Does a cork absorb water?

Cork can absorb water.

Do objects absorb water?

Not all objects absorb water