

What does one do for depression?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The first line of defense is getting out of the rut, getting some exercise and good nutrition, and actively seeking a more outgoing lifestyle. If this is not possible because the depression is too deep, please see a mental health professional as soon as you can. Do not put it off. Severe depression usually becomes worse if untreated, and can ruin your life -- even take it from you.

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One can find peer to peer Depression Forums from the following sources: NHS Supporting, Depression Understood, Mental Health America, Healthful Chat, Depression Forums.

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One can find information on what is depression at WebMD. They have alot of answers about depression, including - symptoms, causes, medications and therapies. WebMD is a very trusted source.

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First of all, mild depression during certain times in your life is very common. My advice is to join a depression support forum where people help and talk one to one another to get out of depression. Here is a good forum where you can participate and read articles about depression:

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N0. One man can not start a great depression even if he tries to start one and most certainly Hoover did not want to start any kind of depression, let alone a great one.

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