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If you see two lines, regardless of how light or dark, it means there are hormones in your body that are present during pregnancy. It's very unlikely to have false positives with pregnancy tests, but if you think it's wrong, you should probably make an appt with your doctor as they can give you a more accurate answer. Otherwise, congratulations on your pregnancy!

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For me it was the first test I took of 3 and it was a positive. If you look at the lines, it would be negative if there was a dark (-) negative line but the dark line for me was (|) up n'down.

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Q: What does one faint blue line and a dark line mean on a clear blue pregnancy test?
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What does it mean when you have a faint blue line and a dark blue line on a pregnancy test?

It means your pregnant

Is something wrong if 3 hpts were faint and then dark and then faint and all were taken in the morning?

Hi there. No nothing is wrong sweetheart. The pregnancy tests were faint then clear because depending on when you urinated, the HCG would of be much less than when you got a dark positive. So dont worry. This is perfectly normal. Congratulations on your pregnancy. :O)

You took a pregnancy test the results were one faint blue line and one dark blue line does this mean you are pregnant?

You could be or you could be and are loosing the pregnancy. Wait a week or two and retest to see what it tells you.

What is it when there is 1 dark line and 1 faint line on a pregnancy test mean?

It depends on the pregnancy test, but usually it means a positive results. Congrats!

What does two lines one light and the other dark on a clear blue pregnancy test mean?

Idk ask someone who was pregnant already and that should tell u

Are Equate Pregnancy Tests Accurate I got a horizontal Faint line under vertical line Help?

yes equate pregnancy test work just the same as a name brand ive been pregnet three times and used equate and had the same result for a positive a faint line under a dark blue but just to make sure check with your doctor good luck

Is it normal to have dark blue veins in your breast in early pregnancy?

Yes. You will get even more of them as your pregnancy progresses.

What does it mean if you had 2 dark lines on your clear blue pregnancy test but they were far apart it was not a digital test?

Two lines in one window is a test that did not perform well, unless is a definite + or a faint + . You should have a - in one window that shows that the test works well. You can send it back and they will send you a new one. Buy anothre brand in the meantime and repeat it. All the best.

On a clear blue pregnancy test what does one dark line mean?

If it is digital you are not supposed to read the lines, only the "pregnant" or "not pregnant." If it is a regular one, it means you are not pregnant or the test was not done correctly.

You took a pregnancy test 4 weeks ago and it was a dark line now its a faint line?

Home tests are unreliable. Get tested by a doctor or hospital.

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His eye color is a dark brown.

What does a positive ept pregnancy test look like?

it has one faint line and one dark line on the other side.well, mine did and i ended up being pregnant.