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If you mean for good:

After having the piercing for a while, you should be able to take it out and let it heal, close up, etc. If you've just gotten it and changed your mind, it is often suggested to leave it in until it heals a bit more so that it won't leave an uglier mark if you take it out right away.

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Q: What does one need to know about removing their body piercing?
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Is there anywhere in the united kingdom that is licensed to put you to sleep for a body piercing?

No. Definitely not. If you need to be sedated for a body piercing this is not for you. Seriously not only is that needless it's also highly dangerous. What you need to do is fine a good body piercer, check out the Wildcat Collection website they have links to good piercing studios in the UK. But being sedated for a piercing is not permitted in any country for any reputable body piercing studio.

How do you pierce your own body?

You definitely should not attempt to pierce your own body. Instruments used for piercing need to be sterilized, you could do the piercing incorrectly, and you could end up with serious problems if the piercing is not performed correctly. If you can't get the piercing done by someone who is trained to do them, then you need to wait until you can.

How much are belly piercing at sweet and sweetest?

Well you know the name of the studio, grab the phone and call them and ask. You need to keep in mind that not all studios that claim they do body piercing can actually do body piercing properly. There are a lot of hack shops out there flying under the radar of health authorities and city licensing. Do your research.

Where can you find a spacer for your belly button piercing?

You need to visit your local body piercing studio and have a discussion with the piercer. They can set you up with what ever you may need.

Is it normal to have the site of your belly button piercing get infected years after removing the piercing?

Yes it isn't uncommon. The piercing may not have jewellery in it however dirt, bacteria and other nasty things can still enter the old piercing site and cause it to abscess Navel piercing sites need to be cleaned regardless of there being jewellery in the piercing or not.

Can you clean your belly button piercing with rubbing alcohol?

If the piercing was done by a professional body piercer then you should be following the written aftercare instructions you were given. No where would it say to use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or any other agents on your piercing. If you don't know how to look after your piercing contact your body piercer again and get the instructions in writing. But don't look to the Internet for help, your piercer is required to give you the instructions you need to heal the piercing, call them.

I got my belly button pierced and i took it for about a month and it hurts when i try to put it in do i have to pierce it again or disinfect it wait for it to close i dont know how can i get it back?

You need to see a professional body piercer, they will take the jewellery resterilize it and put it into the piercing using an insertion taper. You will more than likely get the lecture about removing the jewellery before the piercing is completely healed, but I think you knew that would happen.

Is there any piercing shops in Toronto that would do a eyebrow piercing on a 13 year old?

Any body piercing studio will do the piercing for you but you will need your parents to go and sign the consent forms before you can get it done.

How do you change a cleavage piercing barbell?

You need the assistance of a professional body piercer.

How do you change a surface piercing barbell?

You need the assistance of a professional body piercer.