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To be "ostracized" means to be totally shunned by those around you. You "cease to exist". Everyone ignores you, they walk past you as if you aren't there. If you interject into a conversation with other people, it is not acknowledged - it is as if you are invisible. You become what George Orwell called a "non-person".

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15y ago

Ostracize means to exclude, banish or exile someone from something.

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What part of speech is ostracize?

Ostracize is a verb

What does the Greek word ostraka mean?

It means ostracize. JUSTIN BIEBER ROX! I hoped this helped.

Does ostracize mean include?

Quite the opposite.os·tra·cize/ˈästrəˌsīz/Verb1. Exclude (someone) from a society or group.

What does ostras mean?

if the word is ostracize then means: to keep people in a group. Not to exclude people.

What is a sentence that has the word ostracize?

Do not ostracize Molly from your circle of friends just because she has braces and ugly pigtails.

What is a sentence using the word ostracize?

The Klu Klux Klan would ostracize any member who defended an African American. The faculty was known to ostracize any professor who opposed the popular dean.

What does Ostracize mean in romeo and Juliet?

In "Romeo and Juliet," the term "ostracize" means to exclude or banish someone from a group or society. It is used to describe the actions taken by the Capulet family, who ostracize Juliet after she defies their wishes and refuses to marry Paris. This exclusion ultimately leads to tragic consequences in the play.

What is the verb form of ostracism?


How can you use ostracize in a sentence?

A mom could tell her son, "Dont ostracize your brother!" as in dont leave him out and make sure he is included

What does obstracize mean?

To ostracize means to exclude or shun someone from a group or society as a form of punishment or social rejection. This can be done deliberately to isolate or alienate an individual.

Where god did ostracize come from?

Great Britten and New York

You are a girl and you like your friend who is a girl and you dont know how to tell her?

If she is a true friend, she would be totally fine with the fact that you both like her and are a lesbian. even if she is not, that should not mean she should ostracize you.