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Soils are a mixture of different things; rocks, minerals, and dead, decaying plants and animals. Soil can be very different from one location to another, but generally consists of organic and inorganic materials, water and air.


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11y ago

It's called "regolith." It's basically crumbled rock that has not been affected by biological action.

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14y ago

Parent Material is made up of consolidated unconsolidated mineral material that has undergone some degree of physial or chemical weathering.

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material from which soil is formed

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3y ago

soil source.


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What effect does climate have on parent material?

Parent material composition has a direct impact on soil chemistry and fertility. The parent material is the material that soil develops from, or material that has been deposited by wind, water, or ice. That is how the climate effects the parent material.

What is parent material?

The term "parent material" is generic and it refers to any type of substance or material which undergoes some process to produce another material. The term "parent material" can be used in geology, chemistry or radioactivity for three of many examples. In Earth science and geology , it may refer to mineral composition that weathers easily can produce more soil, for example. In nuclear physics, it is the radioactive material that decays to produce daughter nuclei. In chemistry, it is material that undergoes chemical change to yield another chemical.

What is soil parent material?

Soil doesn't have parents, but it is made of parent material

Material from which a soil is formed?

Parent Material.

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What is soil formed from?

parent material

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Parent Material

How do you use the word parent material in a sentence?

There are chunks of rock in the parent material. Kianna Jauris "KJ" Lyanda-Parryu Jr. 3

Soil that has loose material as its parent material is known as?

The correct Answer is: Transported Soil

This is the parent material that forms soil?


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What has the largest particle size?

parent material