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Q: This is the parent material that forms soil?
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Are biotic factors in a ecosystem?

climate, parent material which forms the soil and topography

What is soil parent material?

Soil doesn't have parents, but it is made of parent material

Material from which a soil is formed?

Parent Material.

What effect does climate have on parent material?

Parent material composition has a direct impact on soil chemistry and fertility. The parent material is the material that soil develops from, or material that has been deposited by wind, water, or ice. That is how the climate effects the parent material.

What are inorganic soil layers?

inorganic soil layers are layers of broken down rock that have become soil without the organic material (such as: leaves, grass, decomposed life forms) . The Bedrock and Parts of the Parent Material are inorganic soil layers.

Soil that has loose material as its parent material is known as?

The correct Answer is: Transported Soil

What is soil formed from?

parent material

What is the soil layer with the most parent material?

Top soil

Soil formed by alluvium?

Soil Formation website illustrates processes of soil parent material and Alluvial type of parent material is associated with landforms such as river deltas.

How does parent material affect soil texture?

Parent material influences soil formation through the process of weathering and then through the influence of the weathered material on soil processes. It provides the skeleton for the soil's texture through its main structure.

What does soil forms in?

Soil forms from ground rocks and organic material like compost.

What is the name for the basic material needed to make soil?

Parent Material