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Q: What does patronizing someone mean?
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What does patronising mean?

The adjective "patronizing" (or, in the typical American spelling, "patronizing") means "contemptuous" or "condescending". In other words, it is used to denote situations where someone negatively regards (or, looks down on) someone or something else.

What does patronizing ean?

If someone is patronizing, it means they are making fun of someone. It is characterized by pretending to be nice, but really thinking you are superior to another person.

What does degradatory mean?

degradatory is simply to 'put someone down' for example, a degradatory remark is one that is offensive, patronizing... etc.

What does she gave that patronizing smile of hers mean?

It means that her smile was actually condescending. To patronize means to talk down to someone as if you are superior.

What does patronise?

The adjective "patronizing" (or, in the typical American spelling, "patronizing") means "contemptuous" or "condescending". In other words, it is used to denote situations where someone negatively regards (or, looks down on) someone or something else.

What is the difference between patronizing your favourite store and patronizing your little brother?

Patronizing a store means to be a customer of, or to go there frequently. It's more like being a "patron of the arts." The idea is that you are supporting something. Patronizing a person is to be condescending to... to pretend to be nice, but in a snobbish way, like someone is below you, or not as good as you are.

What is patronizing or demeaning language?

Patronizing language is language that talks down to someone or treats them as if they are less intelligent or knowledgeable. Demeaning language is language that belittles, humiliates, or undermines someone's worth or dignity. Both types of language can be hurtful and damaging to a person's self-esteem.

What are the good effects in patronizing Filipino products?

the good effects of patronizing Filipino products is that you show love for our country.

What is the opposite of patronising?

To patronize someone means to be kind to them in a condescending kind of way as if you are better than or superior to them. The opposite of patronizing would be humble or unconceited.

What is wrong with a young pizza delivery person calling an older customer Hon?

Calling someone "Hon" can be seen as patronizing. Many people do not like that.

What does condersending mean?

When one is being condescending they are said to be showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority. (talking down to)

What is the difference between patronizing your favorite store and patronizing your little brother?

I shop frequently at my favorite store, I treat my brother in a condescending fashion.