

What does penetrate mean?

Updated: 2/11/2022
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7y ago

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It's when someone sticks something (usually a male) into a vagina, and another person (or some person) sticks something into the rectum at the same time.

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Gillian Watsica

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2y ago
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13y ago

The act or process of piercing or penetrating something, especially: a. The act of entering a country or organization so as to establish influence or gain information.

b. An attack that penetrates enemy territory or a military front.

c. Insertion of the penis into the vagina or anus.

2. The power or ability to penetrate.

3. The depth reached by a projectile after hitting its target.

4.a. The degree to which a commodity, for example, is sold or recognized in a particular market.

b. The extent of influence that one culture or nation has on another.

5. The capacity or action of understanding; insight.

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8y ago

Penetrate means pierce

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