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the downward movement of water through spaces in soil due to gravity

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Q: What does percolation mean in the water cycle?
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What does percolation have to do with the water cycle?

its just a part of the water cycle

What is percolation in reference to the water cycle?

The last step is percolation. Percolation is when the water on the surface of the Earth seeps down underground. It later forms aquifers in the lowlying regions.

Which part of the water cycle filters precipitation into the soil?

* Percolation

What stage of the water cycle supplies fresh water for aquifers through percolation?


What does the term percolation mean?

Trickling of water through the soil capillaries is called percolation

What is the water cycle order?

Precipitation, percolation, ground water flow, evaporation And it keeps going on...

What is the definition of percolation in the water cycle?

The movement of water through the soil and layers by gravity and capillary forces is called percolation. The water can also be passed through permeable rock by this process.

What does percolation mean in geography?

Percolation is the slow movement of water through the pours of soil and rocks.

What are the four types of water cycle stages?

They areCondensation,Precipitation,Evaporation, andAccumulation.

What types of water are found in the water cycle?

there is 6 water that you could find in the water cycle the 1.evaporation,2.condensation ,3.precipitation,4 collection, 5 percolation 6'transpiration

How does soil facilitate percolation and retention of water?

how is soil a facilitator for percolation and retention of water

What is percolation rate?

percolation rate of water is different in different types of soil . it is the highest in the sandy soil and least in the clayey soil. to calculate the percolation rate use this formula- percolation rate (ml/min)amount of water(ml)/percolation time percolation refers to the ability of the soil to absorb water or liquids