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The prefix photo- means light. By using light (sunlight), plants can make food from that energy source.

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Q: What does photo in photosynthesis refer to?
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What does the word synthesis refer to in photosynthesis?

Synthesis means to make/produce. In photosynthesis ("photo" refers the "photons" of the light energy that triggers the photo systems in photosynthesis) would be used in referring to the synthesis of glucose (sugar) molecules.

What thing is absorbed by chlorophyll during photosynthesis?

Light is absorbed during photosynthesis. (That's the meaning of photo!)

What are some words that have photo as the root?

Photography, photosensitive, photosynthesis, photovoltaic

How are the end-products of photosynthesis utilized by the plant itself?

Glucose is the product of photosynthesis and oxygen is the by product of the photosynthesis. And are used in the process of photo respiration.

What are The Two word word parts of photosynthesis?

Photo and synthesis

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How do plants convent sunlight into energy?

Photo synthisis

What does a photo-system do for photosynthesis?

Photo systems utilize light to energize an electron which is then used in an electron transport chain to create high energy molecules for use in the dark reactions of photosynthesis.

What catches sunlight during photosynthesis?

Photo systems embedded on the thylakoid membranes catches light. photo systems are of two type PSII and PSI. photo systems consists of chlorophyll and accessory pigments. these catch the sunlight for the process of photosynthesis.

What is the main photopigment utilized by plants during photosynthesis?

The main photo-pigment utilized by plants during photosynthesis is chlorophyll a.However,there are other photo pigments such as chlorophyll b and accessory photo pigments like Beta-carotene, and xanthophylls.

What kind of tissue does photosynthesis take place in?

Photo-sensitive tissue.

What powers photosynthesis?

Light is the meaning of "photo:. So is powered by light