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"We could find some stuff... and tie your hair back." Ralph is aghast and replies contemptuously, "Like a girl!"

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Piggy suggests they could use vines to tie back their hair to keep it out of their faces on the island.

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Q: What does piggy say that they can do with their hair in lord of the flies?
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What did piggy overhear the pilots saying in lord of the flies?

piggy overheard the pilot say something about an atom bomb. page: 14

What is piggy's explanation of Simon's death and why does he say that lord of the flies?

Piggy explains Simon's death by attributing it to an unfortunate accident, claiming that it was dark and they couldn't see properly. He uses the phrase "lord of the flies" to refer to the sow's head on a stick placed in the forest as a gift to the "beast." Piggy links the phrase to the idea that the boys' fear and savagery led to Simon's tragic demise.

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Piggy says this because the boys did attack Simon,he came out of the woods crawling so all of the boys thought he was the beast. They attacked him biting and beating him to death.

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In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Piggy is the first to suggest that they don't need the conch anymore. He argues that the conch has lost its power and influence over the boys.

What does Piggy want to tell Jack in Lord of the Flies chapter 11?

In Lord of the Flies, Piggy wants to tell Jack that stealing fire was wrong and that they needed to work together to maintain order and be rescued. Piggy tries to reason with Jack about the importance of rules and structure in their society on the island.

What chapter does jack say who thinks jack oughtn't to be chief?

In "Lord of the Flies," Jack expresses his belief that Piggy doesn't have the right to speak and that he shouldn't be chief in Chapter 1. This demonstrates Jack's early disdain for Piggy and his desire to assert his dominance over the group.

What sensible thing does piggy say?

One sensible thing that Piggy says in "Lord of the Flies" is that they should work together to build shelters and keep a signal fire going to increase their chances of rescue. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining order and organization to survive on the island.

What does piggy insist that Ralph do in lord of t the flies?

Piggy's motives are to build a peaceful society that focuses on rescue, a lot like what Ralph wants. He does not like Jack and I would say He's highlights are earning respect from the other members of the group.

What did Piggy overhear the pilot saying in lord of the flies?

In chapter 1 Ralph and Piggy discuss whether anyone knows that they are on the island. Ralph suggests that his father will come and rescue them as soon as he can, telling Piggy that the people at the airport will tell him where they are. Piggy replies, and I quote... "Not then. Didn't you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? they're all dead."

When does raplh say to piggy remark that they were all scared?

Ralph says to Piggy that they were all scared during a conversation in Chapter 5 of the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. He acknowledges that even though they pretend to be brave and confident, deep down they are all afraid of the unknown on the island.

What bothers Simon and what does he want to say in chapter 6 of lord of the flies?

people don't know the real simon like simon does he wanted to say lets go swimming in the pond near the lake but he was scared. no one likes piggy or simon.

What does Ralph say you have to do-Lord of the Flies?
