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They synthesize glucose molecules.Oxygen is produced as a by product

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Q: What does plants synthesis during photosynthesis?
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What are examples of synthesis?

photosynthesis: when plants use light to produce Oxygen

What organisms uses photo synthesis?

plants use photosynthesis for preparing food

What is manufacture by plants during photosynthesis?

the manufactured by plants during photosynthesis is glucose.

What is a polymerization process that forms complex carbohydrates?

The polymerization process that forms complex carbohydrates is called Dehydration Synthesis.

What process turns the leaves of plants green?

Photosynthesis is one process that occurs in leaves.

Why is it important that plants give off oxygen during photosynthesis?

Why is it important that plants give off oxygen during photosynthesis

What does the term photosynthesis?

The term photosynthesis comes from the words "photo", which means light, and "synthese", which means synthesis. It is the process by which plants manufacture their food.

What is the source of energy in light?

The sun is the source of radiant energy in Photosynthesis photosynthesis - synthesis of compounds with the aid of radiant energy (especially in plants)

Synthesis of ATP by the chemiosmotic mechanism occurs during?

both photosynthesis and respiration

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When do plants use photosynthesis?

They use photosynthesis during daylight hours.

What Organelles in plants that convert light energy to food during photosynthesis are?

Chloroplasts convert light energy to food during photosynthesis in plants.