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Q: What does pms 14k engraved on a ring mean?
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What does PMS mean on a gold ring?

How you act when your on your period .....

What is pms 14k gold marking?

it stands for precious metal standard

In Jewelry what does PMS 14KP mean?

The 14kp markings mean that it is 14ct gold, the pms may be a number of things. could mean precious metal silver which indicates that its a 14ct gold plated silver ring or the pms might be a companys intials. every hallmark in Britain has intials at the start so you know where it came from.

What does the medical abbreviation PMS mean?

PMS means premenstrual syndrome.

What is the PMS color number for olympic for 5 ring?

from: Movement flag Image File history File links Commons-logo. ...Proportions 2:3, created 1913, adopted 1914, first used 1920.Colors as per blue: PMS 3005Cyellow: PMS 137Cblack: PMS 426Cgreen: PMS 355Cred: PMS 192C

What is the mean of pms in hr?

Performance management support

If you have PMS does that mean you have to have your period My period is 1 day late and i had PMS but does having PMS mean that i cant be pregnant?

Early pregnancy symptoms can mimic PMS, including fatigue, mood changes and breast tenderness. Cramping can accopany implantation of the embryo. Feeling these things does not necessarily mean that you are going to have a period. Wait for your period, or buy some early accuracy home pregnancy tests.

Is it possible to have PMS symptoms but no period to follow?

some people experince pms or signs of there period without getting it after....this can mean that you are pregnant.

What are the PMS colors for the NBA logo?

PMS 294 and PMS 199

What are the PMS colors of the Haitian flag?

Wats the color of the Haitian flags mean

How do you convert pms to tpx?

Pms 9043u

Can you have pms and no period?

pms is having a period