

What does posh mean in German?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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13y ago

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Posh can be translated as:





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Q: What does posh mean in German?
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The posh toast is "zum wohl" but the normal usage is "Prost"

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On RuneScape do you have to be posh?

If you want to be posh , then you will have to talk sentences posh and to end with a full stop.

What does it mean when someone calls you common?

From a poor background. The opposite of posh. Can also mean coarse, uncouth, vulgar.

Who is very posh indeed?

Someone who is very posh would be fashionable and elegant. Someone who is classy is posh.

Is gosh a posh word?

yes, its a very posh word and nobody but posh people say it anymore.

What is a anagram of shop?

The anagrams are hops and posh.

Is Germany posh?

If you mean 'Is Germany only for the rich?' then the answer is no. After all, it is not a micro-state or tax haven.

When was Pish Posh created?

Pish Posh was created in 2006.

When was Posh Nosh created?

Posh Nosh was created in 2003.

What is the posh word for sugar?

The posh word for sugar is "sucrose."