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Q: What does priam say to him son hector to discourage him from facing Achilles?
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What does priam say to his son hector to discourage him from facing achillies?

Priam tells Hector that Achilles is a monster and is mightier than him. He states that if Hector meets him alone in battle he will die.

In The Iliad what advice do priam and hecuba give to hector as he stands outside the city walls?

Priam and Hecuba try to dissuade Hector from facing Achilles outside the city walls by arguing that Achilles is far stronger than him and that the people will be deeply sorrowed if he dies.

Who convinced Achilles to stop mistreating Hector?

Priam (Hector's father) stole into the greek camp and met with Achilles in secret.

What warrior and prince fell at the hands of Achilles?

Hector, eldest son of Priam, was killed by Achilles in Troy. This was after Hector killed Achilles' friend, Patroclus, who had donned Achilles' armor against his wishes.

Who is the heroic son of the Trojan King Priam who is slain in hand-to-hand combat by Achilles?

hector killed Achilles friend and Achilles wants revenge so he kills hector

Who was the son of Priam and Hecuba?

paris Hector was the eldest son of Priam and Hecuba.

How does Achilles show hospitality to Priam?

He lets Priam give his son Hector a proper Trojan funeral and some peace.

Who was a Trojan war hero?

The main ones were Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, Priam, and Ajax

What has happened to Achilles between the death of hector and Priam's visit to the Greek camp?

He was killied

Who was the leader of the Trojans?

Priamos (King Priam) was their king and Hector was his son, who fought Achilles and was killed.

What did Achilles do to Hector's body after killing him?

Achilles tied Hector to the back of his chariot and dragged him around the city of Troy while shouting "I killed Hector". After persuasion from Priam he agrees to return the body for its weight in Trojan gold.

Why does Achilles surrender hector to priam?

He drew on the universal themes of grief; his own for his son and Achilles' for Patroklos, and also asks Achilles to think of him as his own father, who has the hope that his son, Achilles will come back alive, yet Priam hasn't even got this. Priam also brings a large ransom with him.