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A probation sentence is a punitive sentence given in place of jail time. It means the convict will live and work on the community during the entire sentence and have to report in frequently to a probation officer that he/she is assigned.

They are given different restrictions such as no drinking, administered urine tests, made to attend counseling in some cases, also they must hold down employment for the entire time. If they violate any of the terms of probation, they will be taken into custody and a hearing scheduled in front of a judge to determine the sanction. In some cases, probation can be revoked and the convict will do the remainder of his probation period in jail. In other cases, probation may be lengthened. It is determined by the judge based on whether its a technical violation or another crime committed.

Probation is a way of the system giving the convict a second chance and also keeping the jails less crowded.

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Q: What does probation sentenced mean?
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Only if it is allowed by the judge who originally sentenced you AND if the state of Texas will accept the reponsibility for monitoring and supervising your probation. Start with the court that sentenced you and get that question answered first.

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For violating your probation you could be sentenced to serve the remainder of the time on your sentence behind bars.

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A Probation Violation Warrant will be issued. Your probation could get revoked and you could be sentenced to a term of incareration in jail or prison.

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It is totally at the discretion of the judge who originally sentenced you but usually, its the remaining time of the sentence your originally avoided.

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If you violate probation you could be sentenced to serve the remainder of your original sentence behind bars.

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once your licence has expired you will no longer come under probation. if you broke your licence while on licence you may be issued with a new licence after you have been sentenced .

Does the period for probation begin on the arrest date or the conviction date?

Neither actually, Probation starts either A. the first time you make contact with your Probation Officer (Supervised) or B. when you are finally sentenced to probation (unsupervised)