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Q: What does punctuation look like?
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What does colon punctuation mark look like?

: is a colon; is a semicolon

What punctuation is used look out for that swerving car?

! ! Like this: "LOOK OUT FOR THAT SWERVING CAR"! An exclamation mark. (!)

What does Morse code punctuation look like?

it uses dots and dashes eg : how are you = .... --- .-- .- .-. . -.-- --- ..-

What are something to look for during local revision?

Grammar Diction Tone Punctuation

What are the dots follow a sentence?

Periods end a sentence. They are punctuation marks that look like dots.

What is a star shaped punctuation mark?

A star-shaped punctuation mark, also known as an asterisk (*), is used to indicate a footnote, reference, or to highlight specific information in a text. It can also be used for emphasis or to symbolize multiplication in mathematical equations.

What punctuation Is Used to separate words or phrases in a series?

the semi colon ; This is a semi colon

What punctuation mark for this sentence look out for the swerving car?


Is missed spelled words part of punctuation?

No, misspelled words are not part of punctuation. Punctuation refers to the marks or symbols used in writing to clarify the meaning, such as periods, commas, and question marks. Misspelled words are errors in spelling and do not fall under the category of punctuation.

What does a punctuation mark looks like?


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What does the colon puncuation look like?

The colon punctuation (:) looks like two dots, one above the other. It is used to introduce a list, explanation, or conclusion in writing.