

What does quick scoping do on MW2 or black ops?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The Best Quick Scoper on Black ops is; Beg_for_Mercy10 he plays the PS3 console if you want to 1v1 him then add him and put a message saying you want to 1v1 him how ever he will delete you after your game is finished please Don't add him for fun.

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Q: What does quick scoping do on MW2 or black ops?
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What is better-black ops or MW2?

black ops 1. because there are funner guns to use and the most stupid thing about MW2 is that the secondary weapons are extremely overpowered 2. black ops has dead ops 3. black ops has a fun feature called combat training 4. quick scoping is too easy in MW2

What is better black ops or mw2?

black ops 1. because there are funner guns to use and the most stupid thing about MW2 is that the secondary weapons are extremely overpowered 2. black ops has dead ops 3. black ops has a fun feature called combat training 4. quick scoping is too easy in MW2

Will there be quick scoping in mw3?

Unlike Black Ops, yes. Hooray.

Is intervantion in black ops?

if you meant to say the intervention, which is a sniper, then no, there isn't. quick-scoping has been made extremely difficult and is therefore been reduced to no-scoping and hard-scoping which is what snipers where intended for in the first place. the L96A1 is the only sniper of which quick-scoping is 'possible' on black ops.

How do you quick scope in call of duty black ops please provide link to video?

You can not quick scope in Black Ops as quick as you could in Modern Warfare 2, but it is still possible. Try no-scoping. In my opinion, it's more enjoyable.

What gun is best fo quick scoping on black ops 2?

dsr with balistics cpu and full metal jacket (fmJ)

Can you use 'no scope' in CoD?

Since you used the term "no scope" and not "hip fire," I'm assuming you're talking about a sniper rifle. Yes, there is no scoping, it is rather inaccurate in every Call of Duty game except for Black Ops. In Black Ops, due to the fact that quick scoping is now very hard, no scoping is now incredibly accurate.

Who is JBB288 on Call of Duty Black Ops?

i dont know about 'JBB288' . i think you might mean Jd2020. i know that jd2020 is the community manager for treyarch and he is the person who tried to stop quick scoping on black ops.

Can you play quick scoping on call of duty black ops?

Yes! You can easily but isn't the same form of system like it is in MW. Black Ops has a challenging type of quickscoping with activision allowing a sway in the scope, it's the timing that matters on Black Ops.

Why is black ops so awesome?

Because its the latest version of the best selling gaming series that is call of duty and it allows players to customise weapons and perks to fight against each other in a multilayer on line mode, in team based games. It also has a great mode where you and friends can fight waves of zombies. Overall its a very competitive and fun game to play, so that is why people like "the black ops game" so much.

What has better online play for Wii Black Ops or MW2 for?


Can you quickscope in black ops?

Yes but it is way harder than MW2, Black Ops made it so the bullet would not go directly down the cross hairs for the first few seconds of scoping in. I suggest extended mags. This does take allot of practice and i still suck at it but keep trying!