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A Muslim shouldn't dance or hear music. I think it depends on what you are dancing for. Is it for exercise or is it for entertainment. If a Muslim female wants to dance she should do it in her bedroom.

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Islam does not encourage contemporary music.

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there is nothing about Music in Quran

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Q: What are the Islamic music?
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What are the non-Islamic vocal music?

Non-Islamic music is any music not produced or created to accompany Islamic religious activities.

What are the non Islamic music?


What instruments are used in Islamic music?

Technically, there should be no instruments used in Islamic music. The music we have is called Nasheeds and they deal only with Islamic things like the description of the prophet. But some people have piano's and violins in the nasheed although it should not be there.

What are some of the facts about Islamic music?

If we agree on the term Islamic music. then it is the music that should not distract you from ritual worships and/or doing good deeds and social useful activities. Islam music should not result in sexual excitements or feelings.

Where can you get names of Islamic music which has no instrument?

Search for "nasheed."

How did Islamic music begin?

Islam took on pre-existing music of the Arabian and Middle Eastern regions.

What are the mindanao non-Islamic music?

Mindanao non-Islamic music is unaccompanied singing and the use of bamboo flutes. The most popular type of songs among the Mindanao are religious chants and love songs.

What is the Socio-historical context of Islamic chant?

Islamic chant, or "Islamic vocal music", has its roots in the early Islamic period and has been influenced by various socio-historical factors. These factors include the spread of Islam across different regions, interactions with local musical traditions, the development of Sufism with its emphasis on spiritual music and poetry, as well as the patronage of rulers and scholars who supported the arts. Islamic chant continues to be shaped by social, cultural, and historical contexts in Muslim-majority regions today.

What is true of India under Islamic?

Muslim leaders supported Indian music, but not Indian art. - APEX :)

What is non-Islamic?

All types of music are considered as haram and prohibite except using the tampourine during merriages.

Which fundamentalist Islamic group banned music controlled the way people dressed and eliminated many women's rights?


Why did music become haram in Islam?

Generally speaking, music was considered haram in very early in Islam by more stringent teachers. The argument was that music could lead the listeners to think "evil thoughts" and that they could be lead astray. There are several Hadiths to this effect and there are a number of early commentators who bear out this perspective. However, during the Islamic Golden Age, the Umayyads (in Spain) and the Abbassids in the Middle East disregarded these Islamic rulings and strongly encouraged the arts (including music). As a result, music became part of the accepted culture throughout the Islamic World. It is really with the resurgence of a more literalist Islam in the 19th and 20th centuries that this has become popularized outside of Arabia.