

What does raised ground mean?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What does raised ground mean?
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Line of raised ground?


What is the meaning of raised ground?

a causeway

A raised road across low lying ground?

A raised road across low lying ground is called a causeway.

How was Jesus Christ's cross raised?

They nailed him to it flat on the ground and then raised it by attatching ropes and pulling it. That is my theory. I wasn't there.

How is embackment spelled?

Raised ground adjacent to a roadway is an "embankment".

What is the name of the town that was raised to the ground by the Germans in ww2?

Lidice .

What is a raised road across low lying ground?

A causeway

What does elevated temp mean?

raised temperature or raised temperarely

What are tramways?

passenger carrying systems that are raised on pylons above ground.

When a body is raised from the ground it stores which type of energy?

Potential energy.

What is a large raised area that rises above that surrounding ground?

A plateau.

Does voltage on ground mean open ground?

Voltage on ground can mean an open ground. It can also mean (high) current on ground, due to a ground fault such as reversed neutral and ground.